
It’s Friday Folks! Return of the Pictures of the Week

So big news for us here in Downtown Brooklyn. We are moving in June back into the city. We found a place on 37th Street between 9 & 10th. It has a balcony and the layout is much better than this place. We also have a washer dryer and functioning dishwasher. Anyway here are some pictures I have had in my que for a couple weeks.

How many FedEx Trucks can we fit on Schermerhorn?
We getting fancy with our Zoom Calls.
15 Minute Walk to empty ass Times Square
15 Minute Walk to Z(squared)
Is it just me or does all the Avocados make this truck look longer?
Ole Miss Carbunkle Trumpet for the Director Zoom call.
So funny!
Ran into her at Brooklyn Fare. Seriously I did. And she is tiny too!
Morning Sunrise over Queens and Brooklyn
LJZ I may need this as a house warming gift!

Have a good weekend. Who am I kidding, we are staying home and at least we can start packing.